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Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Taking over

We are reclaiming our lost honour over money by all means,
Taking over
In the presence of the Creator, there was no toil, strife, tribulation and even money according to the first and second chapter of Genesis before the Adamaic sin. Wild animals were not wild; fruit and seed trees grew and produced fruits and seeds according to their kind without our effort  and life was amazing in the presence of the Almighty.

After the Adamic sin , God cursed the ground, paradise left mankind and death was born by sin Rom 6:23. Adamaic sin separated us from God and His everlasting goodness or let’s say His eternal righteousness that cause a heavenly reality when man was around His presence.

But God did not give-up on mankind for His goodness is still showed to all men whether good or bad. The sun shines for all and the rains still shower us all. He takes care every living creature He created. He does His provision without keeping account of what sin we have done on earth. Adam and Eve sinned but God still provide clothing coats of skins. Gen 3:21.

The lands being cursed refers to our diminished farm produce be it livestock and/ or crop produce due to weather, diseases and pest. To elaborate this deeper is that our farms are not confined to up-country farms that we ordinarily know but our places of work, business and investments which make money cursed. (the root of all evil)

Money has ruled over our lives until we have come to the realization that God does not exist. We have forgotten our creator is our Lord and money comes last. So what do we tend to do? We tend to take over the rule of money to our benefit according to the architectural plan of God’s will.


We need to bring ourselves before God confess our sins and that Jesus Christ, son of God, died for our sins to save us. Christ endured death for us to enjoy living with Him and our Heavenly Father in Paradise after our physical death.

When we believe and confess Jesus Christ as saviour in our life, we become Heavenly elect and a helper, the Holy Spirit guide and intercedes for us Heb 6:4, Ps 3:8; 27:1, Acts 4:12 to John 14:6.

Step 2: Church tithes and offerings

Tithes and offerings are money or asset contribution that aid in the functionality of God’s service which is for us the church. These contributions are commanded of us from God which purposefully benefits the clergy who directly does God’s work, used for construction of the church building and schools for our children even hospital for our medical care in our community area and aiding the widows, orphans and less fortunate people as the gospel of Christ is spread across to everyone.

Tithe is the tenth of your first fruit (income) and offering is the willingful gift you offer to God. With salvation in hand, we stand to gain heavenly and earthly prosperity. God’s favour will be with you for your obedience and generosity to support God’s work. God is still faithful to reward those who don’t believe in the gospel of Christ when men contribute their assets to the church. (Mal 3:10)

Offering is a sacrifice of praise offered mostly in every Sunday church service to God through the church which in contrast to tithe has no percentage control based on your income. It is money contribution based out of free will to show gratitude to God that he enjoys his provision. When you give to God’s work according his covenant, He blesses you seven folds according to the measure of your offering.

Thanksgivings is also a special type of offering that is occasionally given to show gratitude for what the Lord has done for you.

Sweet Victory

Sweet victory

"We were made to achieve victory, it is in our hands."
At this day and age, we find ourselves working hard and/ or smart using our skills, talents and experience towards our goals. We struggle to achieve our own goals which we set for ourselves by again achieving goals which have been set by others for us to achieve. We have the drive to work towards these goals for it will improve our lives to combat with the mishaps of life. This is the sweet victory I am talking about.
We work so hard to enrich ourselves which is not a bad thing so long as you are not overambitious. God is pleased with such diligence and blesses the works of our hardworking hands (Heb 6:10). When you compare yourself with your brother, sister, classmates and age mates and it becomes a constant reminder by your parents of how Frank and Mary doing well in their lives. This dawns to you on how you are a failure. You are by no means a failure in any way you may look at yourself. You have to learn how to see your opportunities and how to salvage them to being victorious according to God’s plan.
I love watching DC and Marvel comic TV shows. Just to get your attention; The Flash, a speedster who is able to run faster than a speeding bullet and break the sound barrier, the light barrier, time barrier and dimensional barrier. This means he can at will travel back and forth of time, into the multi-universe and tremendous abilities of running vertical over buildings and above water and vibrating his body to phase through oblique objects. But fictional as it is, he cannot change bad events with good ones as it will affect the time continuity and hence his own very existence and his loved ones. This means at some point, having speed or no speed, time and its events are unquantifiable to us. Bad events will be replaced by worse ones or the very good ones can also replaced by catastrophic ones. And that is why we need to have God in our lives (Psalms 31:15; John 1:3 Colossians 1:16)
Remember, we cannot rely on our understanding for we cannot fathom the architectural framework of our time. This means that if we rely  on our understanding, we will be acting of our own selfishness, arrogance, enviousness, jealousy and all things that say, ”me me me” building that skyscraper called greed.
So having the urge of grasping victory in our hands we need to have the essential ingredients for this sweet victory we are cooking. The ingredients are as follows:
  • God
  • Time
  • Wisdom
  • Hope 

God as the first ingredient

God as the first ingredient is the architect of all things visible and invisible and nothing was created without him. (Colossians 1:16-17, Genesis 1:1, Psalm 19:1, Hebrews 11:3, Isaiah 42:5). We can put our trust in Thee to lead us for we are in total darkness. Yesterday goes away and it is forgotten, tomorrow never comes and today and now is what we deal with so total darkness in deed. “ I am the light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life,” Jesus said (John8:12) So press the “follow” button on your bible as you tell Him your goals, your plans to achieve your goals through prayer and surely he will be the help you so needed.

Time as the second ingredient

Time is an unquantifiable unit of continuous progress of existence and events. Time is quite important for it entails God giving you existence through birth, passing through the stage of life (i.e. childhood, youth, middle-age and old age) and the joy and pain that comes with it. The time confinement teaches us to be patient as the Architect does his wonderful works so long as you believe in Him. (Isaiah 40:31, Psalm 27:14; 31:24, 40:1, 62:5, 130:5).
His timing is perfect for it is moment of glory to show His might and sheer ability to the whole World and the Heavens overall. Secondly, it is an act of love to all who believe and depend on Him in all times (Psalm 62:5; 18:2, 37:2, Isaiah 41:13 Phil 4:6). Thirdly, it is a learning process and when we are encountering challenges we will achieve victory and lack nothing (James 1:2-4)

So with time, we learn what we are taught from events of time and experiences which widens your scope of thinking and apply the understanding gained to achieve the sweet scent of victory

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

The whole armor of God

The whole armor of God

Putting the whole armor of God entails belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, helmet of Salvation, sword of the spirit, shield of faith and shoes to spread the Gospel of peace.

The belt of Truth

 The belt of truth is to hold steadfast our courage that God stand before us in every battle and He will never leave us nor forsake us. (Deut 4:31, 31:5-6; Joshua 1:9; Psalms 27:14; Rom 5:3-5).

Breastplate of Righteousness

The Breastplate of righteous is to confess sins daily as we repent toward living a Godly life (Rom 12:1-2; 1 Peter 2:11, 1:13-16; 1 Tim 4:7; 1 Cor 11:1-34) ,generally, upholding the two “love” that Christ gave us. (Matt 22:37-40).

Shoes to spread the gospel of peace
 The shoes or feet to spread the gospel of peace is the great commission (Matt 28:16-20) of Christians (believers of Christ) to propagate the good news that God has made friendship with mankind. (John 3:16; Rom 5:5; Rom 8:37-39; Eph 2:4-5).  It is a reunion of God and Man that we are not condemned to death but we are awarded the gift of eternal life if men believe so. Though temptations of the world prevails to test your shield of faith and helmet of salvation, God has made peace with Man, salved and salvaged us from the power of sin: the enemy’s Bondage over us but it is a free will to all to choose or not to choose as an act of love reciprocation on our side as men.  Love begets love- 1 Thess 3:5.  

Sword of the Spirit
The Sword of the Spirit is to read your bible and pray every day for us to grow spiritually and increase our intimacy with God. The word of God is a double edged sword, (Heb 4:12) it will teach us how to live right through the help of the Holy Spirit.(John 16:7, 14:26)

Helmet of salvation
 The shield of faith is only acquired when you receive the helmet of salvation. It is a strong belief that God has salve and salvage us from the flaming arrows of the evil one. We receive salvation, even though, we are His enemies (Rom 5:10). But God still loved us and yet we were sinners that He reconciled us through the gospel of Christ in which we stand by faith. (John 15:13).

Shield of faith

The whole armor of God will salve and salvage us to Christ as we have a Heavenly helper who works for good for who love God and do according to His purpose. For the world is full of trouble, the race is neither for the swift nor the battle (Ecclesiastes 9:11) for the strong but the battle is for God (Exod 14:13; 2 Chron 20:15; Deut 20:1; 1 Sam 17:47; 2 Chron 32:8) for it is a spiritual warfare for mankind between the Heavenly father and Satan with his dominion of the dark spirit world. (Eph 6:12) 

How to do salve and salvage ourselves?

How to do salve and salvage ourselves?

God, by being gracious, loving and present in our lives, chose us by creating a window of opportunity to salve and salvage us for Himself. This is due to the Adamaic sin had multiplied to all kinds of pestilence that has drowned the whole World as we know it and forcing God to live away from us. Man creating weapons of mass destruction is a perfect example that God and all the Saints detest and thereby before this age, He sent His son Jesus Christ to live among us, experience God’s word in flesh at a spiritual intimacy level, reveal His miracle live in the midst of our helplessness (2 Cor 12:9-12) and salve and salvage all mankind to whoever is willing.

Through God the Son, we can enter the kingdom of Heaven with thanksgiving and praise in our hearts by believing and confessing that Jesus died and rose again for the sake of our sins. By doing so, we will salve our sore and wounds of our souls, hearts, mind and our overall well-being and salvage our heavenly inheritance of eternal life and heavenly assets and our very own lives on Earth, we receive protection, comfort, peace, prosperity and wisdom on how to salvage and to be fruitful in all what we do on Earth. Our Adversary, REMEMBER, want us to seem non-existent and torment us with sea perils of all kinds (2 Cor 12: 7; Job 1-2) so that we doubt that GOD IS BAD, GOD IS DEAD OR GOD DOES NOT EXIST. We are not aware of Satan’s schemes in our lives (2 Cor 2:11) and so we ought to salve and salvage by putting on the whole armor of God. (Eph 6:10-18) and know that GOD IS GOOD ALL TIME, GOD IS ALIVE AND GOD EXISTS OMNIPRESENTLY.

Lets salve and salvage by saying this prayer:

" Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and that you sacrificed yourself for my sake by dying on the cross and conquering death. Lord Jesus, I repent from my sins, allowing you to come into my heart as I confess to the Heavens that you are my saviour. Write my name in the book of Life, I humbly pray in Jesus name,



What does salvation mean?

This can be tackled in two words that will originate from the word salvation. The First word is salve while the second is salvage.

Herbal Salve used as a medical ointment

Salve- As a noun, it is an ointment medication used for healing wounds/sores. As a verb, it is to soothe with or apply salve (medical ointment). The other meaning is to comfort or appease and also it could be saving that which is lost in the sea.

Italy titan Salvage

Salvage- This word is mostly used than its counterpart: salve. As a noun, it is an act of saving a ship or its cargo from the perils of sea, an act of saving anything from fire or danger or natural disaster or war. As a verb, it is to save or recover cargo from shipwreck, fire or any other kind of danger 

Why are we salving and salvaging?

We are salving and salvaging because our lives have capsized into the sea of death while wounds acquired from the peril of Adamaic sin which Satan devised to separate man from God and gain control over man and his new kingdom: Earth after being kicked out of heaven. (Rev 12:7-12). He made our ancestors disobey by deceiving them to eat fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We were rendered dead in the eyes of the Lord and in reality.
We are salving and salvaging the lost love of God among ourselves and our environment. Though, such torment and tribulation face us mankind, God, full of love, grace and mercy, had to salve and salvage us first by using Himself, God the Son, to conquer death and all our fears of unsalvaged shipwrecked lives (i.e. aspects of our lives where we have no control of). Christ salved and salvaged us to confirm that there is nothing is impossible with God (Matt 19:26 and Luke 1:37) Salving and salvaging was marvelous mystery which angels are looking into it, unknown to them, though, they are at the heavenly presence of God with unlimited knowledge concerning all things.