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We are reclaiming our lost honour over money by all means, Taking over |
In the presence of the Creator, there was no toil, strife,
tribulation and even money according to the first and second chapter of Genesis
before the Adamaic sin. Wild animals were not wild; fruit and seed trees grew
and produced fruits and seeds according to their kind without our effort and life was amazing in the presence of the
After the Adamic sin , God cursed the ground, paradise left
mankind and death was born by sin Rom 6:23. Adamaic sin separated us from God
and His everlasting goodness or let’s say His eternal righteousness that cause a
heavenly reality when man was around His presence.
But God did not give-up on mankind for His goodness is still
showed to all men whether good or bad. The sun shines for all and the rains
still shower us all. He takes care every living creature He created. He does His
provision without keeping account of what sin we have done on earth. Adam and
Eve sinned but God still provide clothing coats of skins. Gen 3:21.
The lands being cursed refers to our diminished farm produce be it
livestock and/ or crop produce due to weather, diseases and pest. To elaborate this deeper is that our farms are
not confined to up-country farms that we ordinarily know but our places of
work, business and investments which make money cursed. (the root of all evil)
Money has ruled over our lives until we have come to the
realization that God does not exist. We have forgotten our creator is our Lord
and money comes last. So what do we tend to do? We tend to take over the rule
of money to our benefit according to the architectural plan of God’s will.
When we believe and confess Jesus Christ as saviour in our
life, we become Heavenly elect and a helper, the Holy Spirit guide and
intercedes for us Heb 6:4, Ps 3:8; 27:1, Acts 4:12 to John 14:6.
Step 2: Church tithes and offerings
Tithe is the tenth of your first fruit (income) and offering
is the willingful gift you offer to God. With salvation in hand, we stand to
gain heavenly and earthly prosperity. God’s favour will be with you for your
obedience and generosity to support God’s work. God is still faithful to reward
those who don’t believe in the gospel of Christ when men contribute their
assets to the church. (Mal 3:10)
Offering is a sacrifice of praise offered mostly in every
Sunday church service to God through the church which in contrast to tithe has
no percentage control based on your income. It is money contribution based out
of free will to show gratitude to God that he enjoys his provision. When you
give to God’s work according his covenant, He blesses you seven folds according
to the measure of your offering.
Thanksgivings is also a special type of offering that is
occasionally given to show gratitude for what the Lord has done for you.
Step 3 Walk by faith
This implies the willingness of being reliance upon God in
our daily plans and activities. Prov 3:5-6. We make God our leader, our wise
counselor, our shepherd and our protector in our lives. Isaiah 40:10-11,
Matt10:32 for God has our time in His hands.
To put God in and above our plan is by praying for His
favour to help you achieve a particular solution in our lives. This world is
full of trouble, but remember Christ have overcome the world. John 16:33 and we
ought not to be afraid for God, Himself, said that He will neither leave us nor
forsake us; a golden assurance as long as He is the Lord in our lives.
Phil4:5-6, Deut 31:4
To attend Church services every Sunday is essential for you
to know God and His plans for you as His child. This is the walk to heaven as
we are the heavenly elect guided by God’s word and the Holy Spirit through each
and every activity in a particular church service.
To walk in faith is also living a stainless life (without
sin) up-holding the goldren rule in our hearts. This is beneficial for two
First, sin leads to death. We need to evade
death and the only way to be guided by your God to live Holy lives away from
Secondly, God’s presence leaving us Is the
unbearable curse. This is seen when God left King Saul after disobedience by
consulting mediums on the fate of his kingdom and forgetting God was ready to help
him if he had just prayed. He became mad and disturbed, only the peace of God
could soothe him through the harp- playing of David. Phil
Thirdly, God will show you the right way to be
profitable and fruitful. You will become the best investor, the best
entrepreneur, the best employee, the best employer, the best mentor and the
best individual very fundamental man or woman to help their society with the
daily struggles of life.
Step 4 Money Management skills
This entails budgeting; making checks and balance on our
income versus expenses. God has given us a brain to think, interpret and
understand how to manage money; literally taking over the rule of money.
First, we need to learn the behavior of wealthy people not
rich people and how to implement such tips to work for us .Secondly, we need to
accept our past failure and figure out what are the better alternatives to use
with the same money you had. Thirdly, we must understand for ourselves the
global and national financial market data and its opportunities to do business
“Be fruitful and multiply” is a command by God which can be
achieved by using what we have to create more. The parable of talents (Matthew
25:14-30) articulates clearly on the two servants who managed to use the
talents, that were given to them, to profit through investment by double these
talents and the master was pleased with them. But the servant who dug and kept
his master’s talent did not multiply his talent, the master was angry with him
and the talents were stripped off him and given to the wise servants.
King Solomon advise us to save and invest seven or even ways
Ecclesiastes 11:2, he continues to say that not to look at the cloud or wind
but focus on what we are doing for the Lord is with us in our dealings. (V3-5)
This is further emphasize that we must have courage that we will succeed as it
is a fulfilled prayer by our God and that he have accumulated knowledge and
wisdom on your investment. He then
insist (V6) to sow a seed in the morning and in the evening which implies that
we need to save and invest a portion of our income on a regular basis
regardless of the challenges that we may cloud or wind our efforts.
There are many investment avenues for we can invest in
Unit trusts
Shares and stocks
Fixed deposits
Treasury bills and bonds
Forex market
Group investment ventures
In conclusion we ought to “ Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” Matt 6:33.
God has control over anything and everything including money and he made us
conquerors over money. Money is powerful, it gives us freedom to do all good
and bad things. The bad things appeal to
our hearts as we desire the lusts of evil that makes money rule over us from
drug, compulsive gambling, adultery, embezzlement, oppression, prostitution and
other form of evil. God enables us to overcome the rule of money “ for God hath
no given us the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind” 2 Tim
There is nothing too difficult for God to handle. Matt 19:26
But Jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with
God all things are possible” This statement has been repeated three times more
for the different audience only to emphasize to us to be God-dependent.
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